Chemotherapy Port Insertion and Management of Complication


Radiologist Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jondi Shapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz, Iran



Implantableportisalsoknownasaportacath or subcutaneous port. A thin tube called a catheter is attached to a small reservoir called a port. It can be used to give chemotherapy or medicine into a vein, or to take blood samples. People with cancer, severe infections, kidney failure and IBD may need implanted ports. The device goes beneath your skin in your chest, arm or abdomen. Implanted port was done through puncture of IJV, Subclavian and Femoral veins. It’s usually barely visible under the skin. Implanted ports can help adults and children. The port reduces your risk of Pain, bruising, bleeding and infections, Leaks of IV fluid from a vein and into nearby tissues , Vein damage (such as from strong chemotherapy) or ruptures. Early complications include hemothorax, pneumothorax, injury to large blood vessels, air emboli, cardiac arrhythmia, and malposition of the catheter.