Peritoneal Interventions: A Case-based Review


Associate Professor of Radiology Pardis Noor Medical Imaging and Cancer Center



Peritoneal lesions have a variety of causes and the radiologic manifestations are complex and diverse. Routine clinical examination and radiologic examinations are of limited value for identifying the etiology and for differential diagnosis of malignant and benign lesions. Percutaneous needle biopsy, which is easier to implement, serves as an alternative to laparoscopy. The specimens were successfully collected for histopathologic examination, and the accuracy rate was 95.1%, which was consistent with laparoscopy (93.1%), as previously reported.
One of the commonest interventional peritoneal procedures is Ascites Drainage that in malignant type long term drainage is a challenging part. It will discuss the type of catheters and procedures for peritoneal drainage including peritoneal abscess. Recently Peritoneal Port insertion for direct peritoneal chemotherapy were gained more interest and increased. This will be done by Interventional radiologist as an outpatient procedure with Local anesthesia.
Dialysis Catheter is one the major peritoneal intervention which only about 5% were referred to interventional radiologist. Peritoneal dialysis is a cost-effective and physiologically beneficial alternative to hemodialysis with an increased survival benefit and lower complication rate.
The demand for Peritoneal Dialysis is predicted to increase in the future, and Interventional Radiology is strategically situated to become a leader in tunneled catheter placement and management.
The purpose of the present study was to shows these mentioned procedures by case base review.