Radiation Protection Awareness among Radiation Science Students


1 Arak University of Medical Sciences*

2 Radiology Student in Arak University of Medical Sciences



Background and objective:
Based on the role of radiology and radiotherapy staff in radiation optimization, this study aimed to review the level of radiation awareness of Radiation Science students as a future diagnosis and treatment team.
Articles were searched in PubMed, Science direct, Embase, Cochran and Scopus databases using the keywords knowledge AND radiation AND students, awareness AND radiation AND students. The authors reviewed the abstract and full text of the articles and the relevant studies were selected for systematic review.
In the studies of radiation students, 69.82% were radiology technology, 30.18% were radiation therapy, the results of the reviewed studies showed that among radiation science students, the level of awareness of radiation was 61.21% on average. The higher level of knowledge was related to the radiology (65.46%) and the lower is related to the field of radiation therapy (51.3%).
The results of the research conducted in this study showed that the level of awareness regarding radiation and its effects among students studying in radiation sciences is moderate. Keywords: Radiation, Awareness, Students