Advanced Coronary CTA


Associate Professor of Radiology Rajaei Cardiovascular Center, IUMS, Tehran, Iran



In the last decade, the introduction of new functional CCT applications ,namely as CCT perfusion(CCTP) imaging and CT derived Functional Flow Reserve (FFR-CTA) has opened a door for accurate assessment of hemodynamic significance of stenosis. The new CCT technologies, thus share a unique advantage of assessing both myocardial ischemia and patient specific coronary artery anatomy, providing intergraded anatomical / functional analysis. Both CT-FFR and CT -MPI perform well in detection of functional CAD which improve diagnostic performance significantly. IN clinical practice ,there techniques are mainly used for accurate assessment of intermediate coronary artery lesion with laminar narrowing of 30-90 % with regards to select appropriate revascularization candidate with unique modality following Coronary CTA.
The main focus of this presentation is to discuss these two modalities in details and their clinical application in CAD patients.